IST Resourcing Ltd. commit to developing and adopting a proactive approach to tackling hidden labour exploitation. Hidden labour exploitation is exploitation of job applicants or workers by third party individuals or gangs other than the employer or labour provider including rogue individuals working within these businesses but without the knowledge of management.
It includes forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation; payment for work-finding services and work-related exploitation such as forced use of accommodation. It is understood that it is often well hidden by the perpetrators with victims, if they perceive of themselves as such, reluctant to come forward.
IST Resourcing Ltd supply agency labour to several organisations in differing supply chains and conduct stringent checks. These include but are not limited to, Food Packaging, Food Processing, Non-Food Manufacturing, Construction, Administration and Office, Hospitality and Catering. IST Resourcing Ltd prioritises its activity within the areas where roles are consistent with those on National Minimum wage and particularly the food packaging industries.
This policy applies to all locations within IST Resourcing Ltd.
The Commercial Director has overall responsibility, although all are, and should be, aware of this policy contents. This policy will be reviewed annually or more often as and when necessary.
IST Resourcing Ltd shall: